Sunday, May 10, 2009

He was circling the area..

This is one of the many shots that made me smile.. while everyone was almost complete, children started to disperse doing their own things.. this boy was walking about.. circling the area. What was he doing? What was on his mind?

He was looking for unpainted mugs! Did he find one? You bet he did!

Since everyone else was done painting, you can see the number of color pallets he lined up. Also the bottles of paint. He was pouring the colors he wanted, not too much, just enough for his purpose.. he was in a state that looked like he was creating his masterpiece!

Angels.. u rock!

One last group foto before we parted..


For the home..

We used their space.. We spent their time..
We laughed together.. They brought us joy..
The very least we could do, was to contribute a little for a noble cause..

Some groceries for the home, cooking oil, vico, milo, milk powder were some of the items..

Surprise again!

We had another surprise ;-) .. remember we asked the children to choose their best work? Well that wasn't for no reason. We had another 3 pressies for the top 3!!

The honorable judge..

The chosen ones..


The team had prepared gifts for the children! Everyone got one!

How about some food now?

The kids had one heck of a time with the pizzas..

We had 8 large!

What time was lunch? A little after 12:30.. just the right time ya?

Group foto!

The by now, very hungry volunteers.. someone even screamed.. "Michelle! I didn't even have my breakfast!" haha..

Everyone in!

Groowwwll.. what that our tummies?

Just about 12:30.. Task almost complete.. clearing the place.. The rubbish too looked colorful :-)

Choose ya best!

Before packing, the children were asking to choose their best work. Little that we expected, they chose 2 and went around asking all guardians which they thought was best. You could hear the little ones keeping verbal notes. 5 for this, 1 for that.. 4 for this, none likes this.. and so on..

The end result?

Back into the boxes..

Aroun 12 pm.. Groups that finished were packing.. "Back into the boxes" we heard the captain's order..

Err.. we can see which was the team that was.. still..

Just as you thought the fun was over..

We soon realized that the painting was the easy part..

How the mugs were painted;
1. choose a sticker(s) of your choice
2. stick it(them) on the mug
3. paint over

So now, once the paint is dry enough, what's left?
1. peel of stickers
2. write name of child and guardian

Well.. peeling off the stickers.. now that's the hard part.. the stickers used were normal paper stickers and not gaffer like tape..

Notice the marker? That's used for writing the names..

Hmm.. how how?

A blade was used by the guardians to aid in peeling off the stickers carefully.. patience was required as not to peel off the paint along with the sticker..

Phew~ no joking around here..

I've gotta confess..

While the peeps were busy.. I was secretly eying these.. Farul's wifey's cupcakes!!

The yellow ones had strawberry jam filling while the chocolate ones had cheese filling!! Beat that!

Superliciously yummy!

Painting's almost done..

At aroung 11 am.. some teams had already finished the allocated mugs.. some children were looking around for more.. they just didn't have enough..

Production line inspection..

10:35 am..

Just 40 minutes.. do you think we were having fun? :-)

Health check..

Front liners! How are ya'll doing?

Less words.. some fotos scream! :-)

p/s I missed some.. thousand apologies..

Time check..

10:01a.m @ 09 May 2009 with the Angels..

Tools.. check
Runbook.. check
Engines.. check
Comfort level.. high
Humidity level.. high
Sun rays.. moderate

Permission to proceed "APPROVED"

4 engines.. 1 goal..

In order to cope with the immense productions requirements, 4 assembly lines were setup..

No runbook?

We don't need a runbook when we have a live demo!

Michelle showing all of us how we paint the mugs..

Stick the shape.. stroke here n there.. one sponge per color.. simple ony la..

kling*klang the old rusted engines start to turn..

Now that everyone's warmed up.. Time for the real fun (or work)..

We were separated into groups, each volunteer having a kid or 2 under his/her care..

Everyone grouped and ready to go!

The tools were handed out.. the paints were poured..

OK so we've our tools.. we've our paint.. we've our mugs.. erm.. what now ar? Where's the runbook?

The Dwarf.. The Giant.. and the Wizard?

Icebreaker time came, it was time to get the know the kids! For the ball to start rolling!

The kids were summoned.. by the evil green monster.. she then told a story of the Dwarf.. the Giant.. and the Wizard.. each having mystical powers to overcome the other..

The story became too complicated.. the audience silent in confusion.. The evil green monster wanting her story to be understood then summoned 2 humans to demonstrate.. She told her story again.. this time turning herself into a wizard stroking her invisible beard.. still the humans were confused (u can sense this when someone scratches his head)..

See how confused the humans are?

Alas.. TEGM got her story across and the humans were split into 2 groups.. each having a leader..

You look at me.. I look at you.. so what ar? The leader of each group will decide what the group would turn into..

Round 1.. FIGHT!!

Left team Dwarf.. right team Dwarf.. DRAW!!

Left team Giant.. right team Wizard.. Wizard wins!

Left team Wizard.. right team Wizard.. DRAW!

Left team Dwarf.. right team Giant.. you can guess who won.. look at that defeated look one of the kids displayed..

Hmm while I was busy making fotos.. I don't quite remember which team won ;-) ... Nevertheless TEGM help break the ice in the funniest manner..